Ruby Beach, in Olympic National Park, Washington

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Cow parsnip overlooking a dramatic view of Abbey Island, an enormous sea stack rock formation with several trees growing on its surface, at the mouth of Cedar Creek. Anita (on left) and Mother pass a sea stack (a marvelous rock sculpture etched by the wind), walking on smooth, flat, round rocks, and on fine greenish-gray sand including sandstone, shale, quartz, brown siliceous rocks, & feldspar. Sun-bleached beached driftwood points toward sea stacks off Ruby Beach, Olympic Peninsula, Jefferson County. Green algae-covered rocks at the mouth of Cedar Creek on Ruby Beach, just a few footsteps down a winding lane.
Close-up of yellow blooming beach flowers, grass, and lichens, first in this series of four images of a sea stack. Gull sits atop sea stack rock formation adjacent to the oceanside forest, June 25, 2007. A sea stack is a coastal rock island or pillar, a steep isolated pinnacle that has resisted the sand-blasting force of waves. A neat cap of ferns atop a rock formation, an outcropping called a sea stack, isolated from the shoreline by erosion.

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