Lake Quinault - End of First Full Day, June 25, 2007


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I started our first full day with a 5:30 a.m. sunrise. Our family trod corridors of Lake Quinault's North and South Shores and the Maple Glade Rain Forest Trail, and took an outing to 2 Pacific Northwest ocean beaches, all in 1 day! Ancient trees shelter wildlife beneath craggy peaks in this spectacular wilderness forest bordering Lake Quinault in the Olympic Peninsula, with over 20 unique plants & animals. We would have loved to taken to the water! After supper, Anita & I took a walk, munching en route on multitudinous, juicy, wild, plump salmonberries (my first), and blueberries. The Olympics, rising from the sea 10-20 million years ago, were designated a national monument in 1909. Our snug rented holiday house lay in a U-shaped valley chiseled by ice-age glacier action that nurtured a wealth of biodiversity.


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